# Focus Focus provides `focus-mode` that dims the text of surrounding sections, similar to [iA Writer's](https://ia.net/writer) Focus Mode. ## Installation This package is still in development, so has not been submitted to [Melpa](http://melpa.org/). This section will be simplified when (or if) the package is added to Melpa. The mode has only been tested with Emacs 24.4 and 24.5. It has no dependencies other than `cl-lib` which is built in. To install the Emacs extension just download the `focus.el` ``` git clone git@github.com:larstvei/Focus.git ``` and store `focus.el` it somewhere in your `load-path`. To use it you can put ```emacs-lisp (require 'focus) ``` in you Emacs configuration file. ## Usage Enable the mode with M-x focus-mode . ### Example This is what it looks like: Light Theme (leuven) | Dark Theme (monokai) :---------------------------------------:|:---------------------------------------: |