{ pkgs, ... }: with pkgs; { bqn = [ cbqn ]; clojure = [ babashka clj-kondo clojure leiningen neil ]; go = [ go gopls ]; haskell = [ (haskell.packages.ghc96.ghcWithPackages ( ps: with ps; [ QuickCheck ] )) stack ]; java = [ jdk jdt-language-server ]; maude = [ maude ]; minizinc = [ minizinc ]; nix = [ nil nixfmt-rfc-style ]; python = [ (python3.withPackages ( python-packages: with python-packages; [ graphviz html2text hypothesis matplotlib numpy openpyxl pandas pygments python-lsp-server scikit-learn scipy xlsxwriter yattag z3 ] )) ]; rust = [ cargo rustc rustfmt rust-analyzer ]; tex = [ texliveFull ]; }